

Foot massage
A wonderfully relaxing foot massage. Feet are warmed with compresses before and after treatment.
Duration 25 min € 39,00


Ebb and Flow Massage (powerfull)

This massage, which has been created especially for Spa Domburg, really is a delightful experience. Allow yourself to be carried along by the swell of the sea. Classic massage actions that are alternated with massage using the lower arms ensures full relaxation and a unique experience.

Duration 25 min € 39,00


Ebb & Flow massage (relaxing)

Get carried away by the swell of the sea. Classic massage grips alternated with massage with the forearms. Provides total relaxation and a unique experience.

Duration 25 min€ 39,00
Duration 50 min € 69,00



Hot stone massage

Very relaxing massage using hot rounded basalt stones. This stimulates the drainage of waste products and activates the circulation.

Duration 25 min € 39,00

Duration 50 min € 69,00


Head massage

During this traditional head massage you will come to complete relaxation. This massage promotes sleep, relieves pain and stiffness and reduces stress. It also stimulates the blood circulation, making it easier and faster to remove physical waste.

Duration 25 min € 39,00


Peeling and massage
This treatment is a real treat for the body. First, you get a wonderful body scrub that removes dead skin cells. Then you will relax during a relaxing massage. Afterwards, you will feel reborn and your skin will be silky smooth.
Duration 50 min € 69,00


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